Tuesday, March 29, 2011

"Both to be Full and to be Hungry..."

Well hello everyone. This idea/inspiration/blessing is something that has blessed me tremendously in talking with a friend who encouraged me in this, and reading, almost by 'coincidence', the same thing in the Bible. So I hope you are encouraged by it also.
Okay, so I read alot of books. I read about a lot of people. I pay attention to strong people of faith. I have spiritual heroes. A few. Among them, the Apostle Paul, who I am reading in Philippians.
So I find myself, as it's easy to do, aspiring. I aspire to be totally devoted to God. I want my relationship with Christ to be mind-blowing, wonderful, inspiring. I want every morning that I spend with Him to be Spirit-filled and refreshing. Essentially, I ask God constantly for a closer walk. I ask for strength in trials. I'm sure we all do, and I think that's good. God loves that, don't you think?
But it can become confusing. My eyes can become set on a goal that...that I have not reached. And so in my prayer and Bible reading, I can so easily have my eyes fixed on this ... goal. Maybe this is also good. But look at what Paul says in Philippians 4:11:

"...for I have learned in whatever state I am, to be content"

That's what I said. Not much, right? I mean, that's all well and good. Contentment is important, but I'm thinking circumstances. I'm content with my life, my family, my education. I'm happy, okay? And I pray that if tough circumstances come, that I'd be able to be content in those, too. But I didn't really relate to what Paul is saying. Until I read the next verse.

"Everywhere and in all things I have learned both to be full and to be hungry, both to abound and to suffer need."

In all things to be both full and hungry? Wait, Paul, they're opposites. Before and after, alright?
I think in (sometimes extreme) analogies and examples.  
Before Thanksgiving Dinner After Fasting 49.8 days: Hungry.
After Eating Hearty Thanksgiving Day Meal: Full (and very likely dead, but anyway) 
You can eat potatoes and turkey for a long time, okay, and eventually you get full. Meaning you're no longer hungry. (Unless you're a pretty sick person, maybe.)
So it's almost a paradox. They're 'inversely proportional'. As one goes up, the other goes down. I really don't need to explain that this much.
This really is, though,  an amazing picture of who we should be in Christ. Both to be full, meaning content, thankful, and satisfied. Because we cannot serve God if we are not satisfied in Him. As John Piper writes,
"God is most glorified in us when we are most satisfied in Him." Read that again. "God is most glorified in us when we are most satisfied in Him."
What happens when we aspire to be someone and live a certain life is we are trying to become somebody instead of focusing on God. It distracts us from what God wants to show us here, now, today. I find myself dreaming of what I can be and how I can serve God in five years instead of asking Him what he wants from me today. My ambition and desire keeps me from accepting what He is trying to show me. 
And at the same time, hungry. Thirsty, asking, and almost unsatisfied. God, don't ever let me be content to stay here. Show me who you are, because that will bring me to love you more and draw closer to you! Amaze me with your glory so that I will always want more of you. This "hunger" is where we see how desperately weak and thirsty we are and realize how unfathomably strong and loving he is, how much he wants us to ask Him for Himself because he created us to do so! 
So it's this balance. And in a song from Casting Crowns "Somewhere in the Middle" is this beautiful way of putting it:
"Somewhere between contented peace and always wanting more/ 
Somewhere in the middle You'll find me"

Somewhere in that middle ground. Content in God's love and grace and always wanting more of Him. This state of desperate thirst in  peaceful content. This state of unsatisfied satisfaction. So God bless you all.
Never stop seeking God. Let's never think we understand Him enough. Never think you have all He wants to give. 
And always thank God for what he has done in your life. For what he is showing you. Be satisfied in Him!
'A bondservant of God and of the Lord Jesus Christ'

Sunday, March 20, 2011

My First Original Post on My Original Blog the Second.

Ookay. So I decided to make a Blog. Now, I know as well as you do that the last thing this world needs is another blog with all the meaningless words that are flying around the 'blogosphere', because of this I do not expect you to read or follow the Blog_of a_Bondservant.
 Because I'm no good at this blogging thing. I have Facebook, type approx. .0000487 wpm when virtually burning up the keyboard, am very random, have an opinion on probably way too many things and the right perspective on certainly way too few. My first blog (which I got in the supercool days when xanga was the thing to beat) lasted a very short four or five months, with, if I remember correctly, exactly three different posts. So don't expect too much. :)
So that, hopefully, is not what this blog will be. What I aim to actually have it be is my 'wise' perspective on random, general things (Hey. Laughing isn't polite. Appropriate in this case, but not polite.), the things in my life more interesting than what can be shared in a Facebook status update, and most especially and (to me, at least) most importantly, a place where I can share what God has shown me and is teaching me through His Word and my experiences. Hopefully, you can glean some encouragement and/or insight from my feeble attempts at telling you what he is showing me.
So 'follow' at your own risk, but I'll not waste your time. I hope this can be a rare blog that is actually 'beneficial to society'  in general, and that your faith can be strengthened, at least a little, in the reading of this.
God bless you all,